
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I have worked myself into a frenzy of Lethargy!

This is pretty much the story of 90% of the working population, in India at least. We want to do so much, but somehow in the midst of all the nuances related to work that keep us busy; we end up tired/exhausted and by the end of our working day, we consider sleep as the only other part of our black and white (work and sleep) life. In this process of always enhance lethargy we end up missing out on a lot of small, yet important parts of our life (which we only regret in retrospect).

It was earlier today that during a conversation (nicer way to refer to an argument) with my Mom, she happened to tell me that “Anyways you’ll only be working or sleeping”. However sarcastic that may sound, it sure got me thinking.

For a while now, I have my to-do list on a multitude of subjects set, but somehow I end up only sticking to/attempting the bare minimum (work, food, sleep and bare essentials of a Saturday night out). One of the biggies I’ve slacked on, and nearly paid the price was renewing this domain. I lost the domain and had to wait for over 2 months for it to be displayed for sale again, before buying it for 5 years this time around and enabling auto-renew (considering my forgetful memory).

But then, that was not just the list of things I’d promised to start doing since moving back to Bangalore, over a year ago and ended up completely missing on. The list was endless, and a couple of high priority ones missed out and worth mentioning is:
  • Some form of exercise - I know how hitting the gym ends up being a fad unless you have a routine-freak for company. Hence I considered options like dance classes, yes dance you did read that correctly, yoga at home (dad’s insistence rather) and going for a jog work every morning. But alas, none of these even came close to completion 
  • Toastmasters – This was something that I enjoyed to the fullest when I was in Mumbai. I always thought I was going to get going the minute I land here and find a new club. On this however, I did begin with searching for a club and even attended a couple of meetings in a couple of clubs. But after not finding a suitable club in the initial search, the look up suddenly stopped for some unknown reason
That list as I mentioned earlier only kept on growing. Hence it is no point cribbing over spilt milk; I knew I had to do something to change the trend, however small that change is doesn’t usually matter. It’s just that kick in your backside that you need to get things going again. :) 

To begin with I’m getting a Table Tennis Table, which will compensate for the exercising need and, I’ve registered/will be giving my Toastmasters ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze) - Project 2 speech in a corporate club in Bangalore next week (thanks to a friend, Suman), which will reinvigorate my love for Toastmasters.

Least this way I’ll slowly get back to doing what I feel I do the best, call it doing multiple different things to keep myself (brain & body) busy (positive outlook) OR ‘Jack of all trades’ (negative outlook) *pun intended*

Do you find a similar trend in your life? Then I sincerely hope (wearing shoes, woodland to be specific), reading this article is a kick to your backside! :)

PS: I have to give credit to Justin partially, for making sure I write on my blog after over a year!

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